Thursday, February 11, 2010

Water Damage

My attempt to save money by utilizing the local public library has failed. Yesterday I received a letter in the mail stating that I owed $26.95 for a book that I had recently returned to the library. If you know me at all, you know that I treasure any and every book. I absolutely love books and have thousands of them that I have accumulated throughout the years. The letter did not say why I owed money for it, but I had a hunch. On our way back from one of our recent trips to Jackson, I noticed the bottom of my bag, that was holding my books and yarn, was wet. Bryan's new-to-us car had a leak. It was good to discover the leak, but bad for my bag of books. The bottom right corner of my library book was damp, not bad, but still damp. The next day, the ink where the library stamps their name on the outside of the book had bled just a little. The pages weren't crinkly, you know how they can get when they get wet, well they weren't like that. So I didn't think much about it at all. I sure didn't expect to have to replace the book over some ink bleeding on the outside. Keep in mind, none of the print on the pages where you read were affected at all.
This morning I went to pay for the damage I had caused which was way more than if I had just bought the book anyway. I had also bought the Kindle version because I wasn't quite finished with the book and I could not renew the book due to a hold on it because it was requested by someone else. I read fiction pretty fast, but not nonfiction. So, now I own two copies of the book, one very nicely protected library version and one electronic version. Maybe I should just stick with reading the books I already own or can get for free, because the whole library thing is not too cost efficient.

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