Monday, November 2, 2009

Avoiding Frumpiness

Before life in mommyhood, I never understood how hard it was to take a shower. I never understood how hard it was to dress nice. I never understood why taking care of yourself was so difficult. Now I completely understand. Because Seth has been somewhat of a night owl, we both sleep for most of the morning each day. We wake up in time to greet Bryan when he comes home for lunch and that is when we truly start our day. It's sad, I know, but hopefully that is coming to an end soon. I can say I have successfully managed to get a shower each day, but actually drying my hair and putting on makeup has often been overlooked. I have finally been able to fit back into my pre-pregnancy pants just this week. The good news is I can fit into pants I wore two years ago, a size smaller than my pre-pregnancy size. The bad news is, I only have five pairs of pants, two of which are maternity pants, because somehow my pants that I wore last year have disappeared. So it is very desirable to just put on pajama pants and call it good and the vast majority of shirts that I wear usually have spit up on them within the first few minutes of wearing them. I say all of this because it is very hard to avoid the frumpiness that is often associated with stay-at-home moms. I am trying though. I don't want to lose the desire to put on makeup or to wear my cute new $7 striped shirt from Old Navy. I want to take care of myself. I want to avoid frumpiness at all costs.

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