Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Seth: 18 Months Old

Would you take a look at this little man? He is 18 months old today!!! I can hardly believe it. Our little guy has grown so much. He is now 34 inches tall and weighs almost 26 lbs. He grows more handsome every day and has such a sweet personality. He loves to please and he has a smile that is contagious.
While Seth is not such a great eater these days, he is great at learning all kinds of new things. He loves to try to repeat everything and he can say: mama, dada, Bella (our dog), ball, hot, Nana, Pop, bye-bye, book, bear, ba-ba (for blanket), duck, bath, hi, biper (for diaper), and ella (for elephant). He can sign too many things to name and can pick up a sign after seeing it just a couple of times. Teaching sign language to him has been so helpful. Seth loves to investigate everything and is just like his daddy when it comes to figuring out how things work. He loves to take things apart! We enjoy playing outside and he would be happier playing with an acorn or some random item around the house than any toy.
You can usually find Seth with a book of some kind in his hand. He loves flipping through books and trying to read them himself. He has moved up to Toddler Time at the local library. At our first visit this week, Seth made a shamrock (with mommy's help, of course, but notice the little white scribbles :)).
Speaking of crafts, Seth loves to draw, write, or make anything crafty. Besides the fact that he loves to chew off the erasers on pencils, he does surprisingly well with crayons and colored pencils.
People used to say to me, once you have a child you just won't be able to imagine life without them, and they were right. He is such a joy to have in our lives.

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