Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Slow Induction

Last night we arrived at the hospital at 6:00 p.m. After an uncomfortable night, thanks to Seth's feet constantly shoving into my ribs during contractions, I was ready for the pitocin to get things moving along. After being on the pitocin for about two hours, I had still not dilated hardly at all and my cervix was still too firm to break my water. If my water is broken, we have to deliver within 24 hours whether it is vaginally or by c-section but it would most definitely be by c-section (something I really don't want) so we are just going to wait things out for now. We will know by lunch if we might have to do another round of the cervix softening medicine through the night again and try pitocin again tomorrow morning. If that is the case, then they will take me off everything at 3:00 p.m. and let me eat, and then start the medicine up again around six. So far the pain has not been too unbearable. I have finally figured out what a contraction feels like and the light ones have actually been happening for a couple of weeks and I just didn't realize it. So we are just hanging out for now...

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